Charcha Nepal enables secure intranet connectivity for land revenue offices Majuwa, Gulmi streamlining data access, record management, and communication. This digital solution enhances administrative efficiency, reducing paperwork and improving collaboration among officials.
Project 2
The technological revolution is changing aspect of our lives, and the fabric of society itself. it’s also changing the way we learn and what we learn. Factual knowledge is less prized when everything you ever need to know can be found on your phone. There’s no imperative to be an expert at doing everything when you can.
Ru Ru Jalbidhyut Pariyojana Limited obtained survey license of capacity 5000kW from Department of Electricity Development (DoED) for development of Upper Hugdi Khola Hydropower Project located at Hugdi Khola Chandrakot Gaupalika Gulmi district. Upper Hugdi Hydro Power project developed and operated by Ru Ru Jalbidhyut Pariyojana Ltd [RURUJPL]. This project is a run off river type hydropower project with generating capacity of 5 MW. RURUJPL run the project and sells electricity to Nepal Electricity Authority. Project Commercial Operation (COD) date is 2071 Chaitra 09, and the power generated from the project is evacuated to Birbash substation in Gulmi district.
Project 4
Charcha Nepal enables secure intranet connectivity for Prabhu Bank Shantipur, Gulmi